Three number are in the ratio 4: 5 : 6 and their average is 30 . The largest number is...? Mcqs

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Three number are in the ratio 4: 5 : 6 and their average is 30 . The largest number is...?

(i) 28
(ii) 32

(iii) 36
(iv) 42

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Hazrat Umm-e-Salamah died at the age of:________...?

(i) 64
(ii) 73

(iii) 84
(iv) None of these

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How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum...?

(i) 35
(ii) 45

(iii) 55
(iv) 63

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Mostly Used Computers...?

(i) Analog computer
(ii) Digital computer

(iii) Laptops
(iv) None of these

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How many organs are required to form a state...?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) 4

Latest MCQs

Name the King who fell from horse while playing polo and died:...?

(i) Qutb-din-Aibak
(ii) Aladdin Khilji

(iii) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
(iv) Muhammad Ghori

Latest MCQs

Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) embraced Islam in which Hijri...?

(i) 6th A.H
(ii) 7th A.H

(iii) 8th A.H
(iv) 9th A.H

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What is the Old name of World Bank...?

(i) International Bank for Development
(ii) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

(iii) International Bank for Infrastructure and Development
(iv) International Bank for Design and Development

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Choose the correct synonym: Conspicuous...?

(i) Discernible
(ii) Concealed

(iii) Unclear
(iv) Obscure

Latest MCQs

In Microsoft Word, You can jump to the next column by____________...?

(i) Press Alt + Down-arrow
(ii) Clicking with your mouse on the next column

(iii) Both of above
(iv) None of Above

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