Till now, how many Pakistanis won the Nobel Prize for Physics? Mcqs

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Till now, how many Pakistanis won the Nobel Prize for Physics?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) 4

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Choose the correct meaning of the underlined idiom from the provided options. You can refuse to talk to her if you like, but you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face...?

(i) Trying to harm the other person
(ii) Making a situation worse for yourself out of anger

(iii) Taking an
(iv) Avoiding a problem by ignoring it completely

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Where is the grave of Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S)...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Lebanon

(iii) Israel
(iv) Jordan

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Zika virus is a mosquito-borne virus first identified in:...?

(i) Morocco
(ii) Uganda

(iii) Ghana
(iv) Nepal

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Which Surah of Holy Quran has 200 VERSES ...?

(i) Surah Yusuf
(ii) SuraH Hamd

(iii) SuraH Al Imran
(iv) SuraH Noon

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In 1939, a non-aggression pact was signed between the Soviet Union and ______...?

(i) Germany
(ii) Italy

(iii) France
(iv) United Kingdom

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Hazrat Yaqoob sons...?

(i) 12
(ii) 13

(iii) 10
(iv) 11

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Who was the First President of USA...?

(i) George Washington
(ii) Richard Nixon

(iii) John Adams
(iv) None of these

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A programme used to view World Wide Web (WWW) pages , such as Google, Yahoo and Internet Explorer, is called...?

(i) Browser
(ii) Messenger

(iii) Internet
(iv) None Of These

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Choose suitable preposition from below options to complete following sentence: The lion ran ________ the deer and tore it into pieces....?

(i) on
(ii) at

(iii) up
(iv) into

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