To change line height to 1.5 we use shortcut key...? Mcqs

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To change line height to 1.5 we use shortcut key...?

(i) Ctrl+1
(ii) Ctrl+2

(iii) Ctrl+4
(iv) Ctrl+5

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First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one...?

(i) Ibn-e-Taimya
(ii) Imam Ghizali

(iii) Ahmad Sirhindi
(iv) Shah Waliullah

Latest MCQs

The prison has succeeded in reducing ‘recidivism’. The word ‘recidivism’ word means:...?

(i) The tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend
(ii) Going back to a previous behavior

(iii) Backsliding
(iv) All of These

Latest MCQs

What was real name of Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A)...?

(i) Abdullah ibn Uthman
(ii) Abu Turab

(iii) Sadiq e Akber
(iv) Saraqa bin jasham

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Beirut is the capital city of which country...?

(i) Lebanon
(ii) Oman

(iii) Afghanistan
(iv) Bahrain

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مسجد قرطبہ کس کی مشہور نظم ہے؟...?

(i) علامہ اقبال
(ii) ن م راشد

(iii) جوش ملیح آبادی
(iv) empty

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LEA’AN is___________...?

(i) Name of surah
(ii) A Clause of Islamic law

(iii) Honour and respect
(iv) Name of a tree

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The synonym of 'Happy' is:...?

(i) Hapless
(ii) Unlucky

(iii) Joyful
(iv) All of these

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Which of the following is not a primary function of transnational actors in the state...?

(i) Advocacy and Public Pressure
(ii) Direct Action and Lobbying

(iii) Influence and Awareness
(iv) Funding and Outreach

Latest MCQs

How many Ahadis does the “Sahih Bukhari” contain...?

(i) 5,636
(ii) 7,275

(iii) 8,821
(iv) 6,722

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