To convert the decimal number into binary number we use the method of repeated...? Mcqs

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To convert the decimal number into binary number we use the method of repeated...?

(i) Multiplication
(ii) Division

(iii) Addition
(iv) Subtraction

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Synonym of “plebiscite” is _________...?

(i) militant youth
(ii) common people

(iii) minority representation
(iv) direct popular vote

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A rocket needs the speed of .......... to escape from earth's gravity...?

(i) 22 miles per second
(ii) 15 miles per second

(iii) 12 miles per second
(iv) 7 miles per second

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The potential of pure water is:...?

(i) Zero
(ii) One

(iii) Two
(iv) None of these

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What is name of position which leads NATO’s military operations...?


(iii) EURSCA

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The longest river in Pakistan is ____...?

(i) Ravi
(ii) Indus

(iii) Chenab
(iv) Jhelum

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In Volley Ball how long does each player have to warm up the ball and themselves before a match...?

(i) 1 minute
(ii) 3 minutes

(iii) 5 minutes
(iv) 2 minutes

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I met ______ European...?

(i) a
(ii) an

(iii) the
(iv) None of these

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Who was Pakistan chief of Air Staff in 1965 war...?

(i) Anwar Shamim
(ii) Noor Khan

(iii) Jamal Khan
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “pococurante” is ___________....?

(i) native
(ii) hot

(iii) blase
(iv) hidden

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