To copy a picture of the screen to the Clipboard use:...? Mcqs

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To copy a picture of the screen to the Clipboard use:...?

(i) Alt Key
(ii) Shift Key

(iii) Print Screen Key
(iv) None of these

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Hanging gardens in Babylon were located in Iraq which was built by ________ Babylonian king...?

(i) Nebuchadnezzar
(ii) Nabopollasar

(iii) Sargon
(iv) Hummarbi

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Under which sea, the world's oldest known intact shipwreck has been discovered by a team of maritime archaeologists...?

(i) Caribbean Sea
(ii) South China Sea

(iii) Red Sea
(iv) Black Sea

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Synonym of Sumptuous is ___________...?

(i) delirious
(ii) Gorgeous

(iii) luxurious
(iv) Hit

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Pick out the correct sentence from the given options...?

(i) He reads Dawn
(ii) He is reads Dawn

(iii) He reads the Dawn
(iv) He should reads Dawn

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Block chain technology is used in:...?

(i) Digital media
(ii) Cryptocurrency

(iii) Paper currency
(iv) None of these

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How many Sahifay were revealed to Hazrat Idrees (AS)...?

(i) 10
(ii) 20

(iii) 30
(iv) 40

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The headquarter of NATO is located in _________....?

(i) New York
(ii) Paris

(iii) Geneva
(iv) Brussels

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What is the literal meaning of Nabi...?

(i) A person who conveys the message of Allah
(ii) A person who acts according to Shariah

(iii) A person who behaves nicely
(iv) A person who believes in the unity of Allah

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What is the meaning of Gloss...?

(i) Dull
(ii) Brightness

(iii) Smoothness
(iv) None of these

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