To create a formula you first...? Mcqs

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To create a formula you first...?

(i) select the cell you want to place the formula into
(ii) Type the equals sign (=) to tell Excel that you’re about to enter a formula

(iii) Enter the formula using any input values and the appropriate mathematical.
(iv) Choose the new command from the file menu

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The Nehru Report was published in _____...?

(i) August 1928
(ii) September 1928

(iii) October 1928
(iv) November 1928

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A word processor would most likely be used to ______...?

(i) keep an account of money spent
(ii) a computer serach in media center

(iii) maintain an inventory
(iv) type a biography

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Baghdad city was established as Capital of Abbasid Dynasty by____________...?

(i) Al’Mansoor
(ii) As’Saffah

(iii) Harun Rasheed
(iv) Al’Ma’mun

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Hazrat Maryam (AS) migrated to __________ after the birth of Hazrat Essa at Bait’al’Lehm, Jerusalem...?

(i) Jordan
(ii) Syria

(iii) Palestine
(iv) Egypt

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What was religion of Warqa Bin Nofil...?

(i) Christian
(ii) Jew

(iii) Deen of Hazrat Ibrahim a.s
(iv) None of these

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When Quaid e Azam took oath as Governor General of Pakistan...?

(i) 15 August 1947
(ii) 14 August 1947

(iii) 17 August 1947
(iv) 18 August 1947

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Which is the longest river in Pakistan...?

(i) Ravi
(ii) Sutlej

(iii) Indus
(iv) None of these

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What is iron dome ...?

(i) Israel defense system
(ii) UK defense system

(iii) Pakistan defense system
(iv) India defense system

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Silicon is also called...?

(i) Stone Maker
(ii) Ocean Maker

(iii) A&B
(iv) Mountain Maker

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