To create table of columns and rows for statistical or mathematical calculations using spreadsheet, which software is used...? Mcqs

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To create table of columns and rows for statistical or mathematical calculations using spreadsheet, which software is used...?

(i) Excel
(ii) Word Pad

(iii) Word Perfect
(iv) Corel Draw

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In a province, a Worker's Trade Union is registered with the:...?

(i) Registrar Trade Unions
(ii) National industrial Relations Commission

(iii) Workers Welfare Board
(iv) Commissioner Social Security

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Hazrat bibi Umm Kulthum (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and ____________...?

(i) Zaynab bint Khuzayma
(ii) Rayhana bint Zayd

(iii) Khadija bint Khuwaylid
(iv) Maria al-Qibtiyya

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Synonym of “fastidious” is _________...?

(i) speedy
(ii) precise

(iii) squeamish
(iv) hungry

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In Surah Kahf, which animal is mentioned along with the Ashaab e Kahf?...?

(i) Dog
(ii) Cat

(iii) Horse
(iv) Woodpecker

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You can use the format painter multiple times before you turn it off by:...?

(i) the format painter button only one time when you click it
(ii) Double clicking the format painter button

(iii) Pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the format painter button
(iv) Pressing the Alt key and clicking the format painter button

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On 30 June 2021, the World Health Organization announced that been certified malaria-free...?

(i) Somalia
(ii) Afghanistan

(iii) China
(iv) India

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Hazrat Abu Sufyan, Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah and Abu Kahafa R.A accepted Islam at the time of___________...?

(i) Migration to Madina
(ii) Treaty of Hudaibiya

(iii) Conquest of Makkah
(iv) Ghuzwa Uhad

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To stay at Arafat is__________...?

(i) Farz
(ii) Wajib

(iii) Sunnat
(iv) Mustahib

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Which one of the following fractions is greater than 3/4 and less than 5/6...?

(i) 9/10
(ii) 2/3

(iii) 1/2
(iv) 4/5

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