To find a temp file, which command is used in the Run dialog box...? Mcqs

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To find a temp file, which command is used in the Run dialog box...?

(i) temp
(ii) %temp%

(iii) prefetch
(iv) None of these

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The capability of the organization to ensure high quality data is called:...?

(i) Data governance
(ii) Data Integration

(iii) Data Analysis
(iv) None of these

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Someone Attentive and concerned about details...?

(i) Fastidious
(ii) Sloppy

(iii) Reckless
(iv) Careless

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Which is the national flower of Pakistan?...?

(i) Jasmine
(ii) Rose

(iii) Sunflower
(iv) Marigold

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Before his appointment as the US secretary of State, Rex Tillerson was CEO of...?

(i) Boeing Corpration
(ii) Union Texas Oil Company

(iii) Exxon Mobil Corporation
(iv) IBM

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Select the most appropriate one-word substitution from the provided options. The condition of being unable to create a piece of written work because something in your mind prevents you from doing it:...?

(i) Writer's Cramp
(ii) Writer's Block

(iii) Writer's Box
(iv) Writer's Barrier

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نیلی بار اور اس سے ملحقہ علاقے کی زبان اور محاورہ میں ناول لکھنے کے لیے کون سی خاتون مشہور ہیں ؟...?

(i) نیلوفر اقبال
(ii) نیلوفر سکندر

(iii) طاہرہ اقبال
(iv) طاہرہ سکندر

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Which is the largest coral reef in the world:...?

(i) Mesoamerican reef
(ii) Florida Keys reef

(iii) Great Barrier reef
(iv) None of these

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The newly designated secretary general of Organization of Islamic conference lyad madani belongs to...?

(i) Saudi Arabia
(ii) Egypt

(iii) Qatar
(iv) UAE

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When you Insert a comment in a document, the comment appears in a...?

(i) New window
(ii) Sidebar

(iii) Bailoon
(iv) Re'rse

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