To print PowerPoint presentation, press...? Mcqs

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To print PowerPoint presentation, press...?

(i) Ctrl + A
(ii) Ctrl + Shift + P

(iii) Ctrl + P
(iv) CTRL + S

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How many times has the Quran stressed about Salaat or Namaz paryers ...?

(i) 500
(ii) 66

(iii) 700
(iv) None of These

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To sit straight in Salat is called________...?

(i) Qauma
(ii) Jalsa

(iii) Qayaam
(iv) Qaada

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Napoleon Bonaparte was the king of...?

(i) France
(ii) Itlay

(iii) Russia
(iv) Spain

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7 56/100in decimal form is:...?

(i) 7,056
(ii) 7,56

(iii) 756
(iv) 75,6

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What is the height of the net of the Badminton...?

(i) 3 ft
(ii) 4 ft

(iii) 5 ft
(iv) 7 ft

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Which of the following options is not a valid PowerPoint's view...?

(i) Slide show view
(ii) Slide shorter view

(iii) Presentation view
(iv) Normal view

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Grand Central Terminal, Park Avenue, New York is the world’s...?

(i) largest railway station
(ii) highest railway station

(iii) longest railway station
(iv) none of these

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For what achievement did James Chadwick receive the Nobel Prize in 1935...?

(i) Discovery of the proton
(ii) Discovery of the neutron

(iii) Development of the atomic bomb
(iv) Discovery of radioactivity

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Banff National Park, Canada’s oldest national park, is located in which province...?

(i) British Columbia
(ii) Alberta

(iii) Ontario
(iv) Quebec

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