To whom Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of Sayyidat Nisa al-Alamin...? Mcqs

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To whom Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of Sayyidat Nisa al-Alamin...?

(i) Hazrat Ayesha (R.A.)
(ii) Hazrat Fatima (R.A.)

(iii) Hazrat Sauda (R.A.)
(iv) Hazrat Hafsa (R.A.)

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Which of the following is not a nomenclature of MS Excel...?

(i) Range
(ii) Workbook

(iii) Document
(iv) cell

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One barrel of petroleum is equal to...?

(i) 34.97 UK gallons
(ii) 42 US gallons

(iii) 0.159 Cubic Metre
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of ” Uproar ” is _________...?

(i) Acquiescence
(ii) Calm

(iii) Turmoil
(iv) Placid

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'Alexandria' is the following is...?

(i) Greece
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Syria
(iv) Egypt

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Antonym of ARTIFICIAL is ...?

(i) Red
(ii) Solid

(iii) Truthful
(iv) Natural

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Which of the following is the largest ecosystem in the world...?

(i) Desert ecosystem
(ii) Ocean ecosystem

(iii) Grassland ecosystem
(iv) Forest ecosystem

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About whom Quaid -e-Azam had stated that he was his chief lieutenant and right hand...?

(i) Liaqat Ali khan
(ii) Ayub khan

(iii) Abdul Rub Nishtar
(iv) Ch.Muhammad

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Chinese astronaut Wang Yaping is famous for:...?

(i) To walk in space
(ii) To walk in moonC

(iii) First woman
(iv) None of these

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Give the name, who compiled first work of Hadith “Sahifa-e-Sadiqa.”...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
(ii) Imam Muslim (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA)

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