Under which amendment military courts were formed in Pakistan...? Mcqs

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Under which amendment military courts were formed in Pakistan...?

(i) 18
(ii) 18

(iii) 21
(iv) 20

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How can we describe UK...?

(i) England + Northern Ireland
(ii) Britain + Northern Ireland

(iii) Great Britain + Northern Ireland
(iv) England

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FCPS stands for...?

(i) Fellows Royal college Physician and Surgeons
(ii) Fellows Russia college Physician and Surgeons

(iii) Fellows Royal Community Physician and Surgeons
(iv) Fellows Royal University Physician and Surgeons

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When you insert a Excel file to a Word document The Data are:...?

(i) Embedded
(ii) Linked

(iii) Hyperlink placed in word table
(iv) None of these

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The abbreviation SOS stands for...?

(i) Save our Schools
(ii) Save our System

(iii) Save our Souls
(iv) None of these

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Maharaja Ranjit Singh ruled Punjab for:...?

(i) 60 Years
(ii) 50 Years

(iii) 40 Years
(iv) 20 Years

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For ordered pair [2, 4]:...?

(i) 2 is abscissa and 4 is ordinate
(ii) 2 is ordinate and 4 is abscissa

(iii) 2 and 4 both are abscissa
(iv) 2 and 4 both are ordinate

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Roger Federer is a famous player of:...?

(i) Tennis
(ii) Golf

(iii) Football
(iv) Cricket

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General MacArthur hailed from which country:...?

(i) Germany
(ii) US

(iii) UK
(iv) Japan

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Which Surah of Holy Quran was the first to be revealed...?

(i) Al Hamd
(ii) Al Baqrah

(iii) Al Alaq
(iv) Al Rahman

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