Under which convention was Vietnam divided...? Mcqs

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Under which convention was Vietnam divided...?

(i) Geneva Convention
(ii) Paris Convention

(iii) Vienna Convention
(iv) None of these

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First Afghan War took place in ...?

(i) 1838
(ii) 1837

(iii) 1839
(iv) 1840

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Meteorology is study of _____...?

(i) Seasons
(ii) Atmosphere

(iii) Air and sounds
(iv) Winds and clouds

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Fill in the blank: There has been a fall __________ prices...?

(i) on
(ii) to

(iii) with
(iv) in

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________ is a computer software whose user interface and API resembles that of a printer driver...?

(i) Virtual Printer
(ii) Piotter

(iii) Italy
(iv) Egypt

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Select the most appropriate one-word substitution from the provided options A person who loves books...?

(i) Bibliophile
(ii) Bibliophobe

(iii) Xenophile
(iv) Cinephile

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"India Wins Freedom" was written by:...?

(i) Sir Agha Khan
(ii) Abu-al-Kalam Azad

(iii) Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(iv) Chief Judge

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Indian Rebellion of 1857 began on 10 may from the town of...?

(i) Jhansi
(ii) Gwaliar

(iii) Meerut
(iv) Lukhnow

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The flesh of the slaughtered animals is divided into three portions. One third is for one’s own self. Another third for the poor and the needy and the last third is for__________...?

(i) Imam Sahib
(ii) Non-Muslims

(iii) Relatives
(iv) None of these

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حد قذف اور حد زنا کس سورہ میں ہے؟...?

(i) سورہ النور
(ii) سورہ بقرہ

(iii) سورہ نوح
(iv) سورہ النساء

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