United States purchased Alaska at what amount of the million dollars from Russia in 1867...? Mcqs

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United States purchased Alaska at what amount of the million dollars from Russia in 1867...?

(i) $7.0 million
(ii) $7.2 million

(iii) $7.5 million
(iv) $7.8 million

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The physical structure of the computer is called------------....?

(i) Software
(ii) Hardware

(iii) Human ware
(iv) All of these

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The height of all 4 Minars of Badshai Mosque are...?

(i) 170 feet
(ii) 172 feet

(iii) 175 feet
(iv) 177 feet

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Battale of ZALAQA was fought between Alfanso VI and Yousaf bin Tashfeen in _______...?

(i) 1070
(ii) 1086

(iii) 1121
(iv) 1240

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(i) 1st
(ii) 2nd

(iii) 3rd
(iv) 4th

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(i) Wife
(ii) Sister

(iii) Concubine
(iv) Part of Humayun's court

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(i) Indus
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Chenab
(iv) None of these

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(i) Kedneys
(ii) Lungs

(iii) Spleen
(iv) Liver

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(i) Azazil
(ii) Janaha

(iii) Chaleepa
(iv) None of these

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(i) Half
(ii) One Third

(iii) One fourth
(iv) One Eight

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