Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on...? Mcqs

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on...?

(i) 10 December 1945
(ii) 10 December 1946

(iii) 10 December 1948
(iv) 10 December 1950

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The number of seats reserved for women in National Assembly are:...?

(i) 60
(ii) 65

(iii) 70
(iv) 75

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How many temperature zones does Pakistan generally have based on its climate...?

(i) 2
(ii) 3

(iii) 4
(iv) 5

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Hazrat Musa A.S was granted ________ miracles....?

(i) 6
(ii) 7

(iii) 8
(iv) 9

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How can you apply exactly the same formatting you did to another text...?

(i) Copy the text and paste in new location. Then type the new text again.
(ii) Copy the text and click on Paste Special tool on new place

(iii) Select the text then click on Format Painter and select the new text
(iv) All of above

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A cyclist covers a distance of 750 meters in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. What is his speed in km/hr...?

(i) 16 km/hr
(ii) 17 km/hr

(iii) 18 km/hr
(iv) 19 km/hr

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He is knocking _____the door...?

(i) On
(ii) Of

(iii) Over
(iv) At

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Which of the following is not an application software...?

(i) Windows NT
(ii) Page Maker

(iii) WinWord XP
(iv) Photoshop

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Globalization has improved in the living structure of:...?

(i) Workers in developing countries
(ii) People in developed countries

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following is the most important factor in causing mass movements...?

(i) Temperature
(ii) Pressure

(iii) Water content
(iv) Bulk composition

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