Vistula is the river of which country, on which festival “Wreaths over the Vistula” is celebrated...? Mcqs

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Vistula is the river of which country, on which festival “Wreaths over the Vistula” is celebrated...?

(i) Russia
(ii) Germany

(iii) Poland
(iv) Ukraine

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The language that the computer can understand and execute is called...?

(i) Assembly
(ii) Machine Language

(iii) PHP
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following computer languages is written in binary codes only...?


(iii) C Language
(iv) Machine Language

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Indus Waters Treaty, treaty, signed on September 19, 1960, between India and Pakistan and brokered by:...?

(i) World Bank
(ii) United Nations

(iii) IMFBank
(iv) WHO

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Antonym of ATTRACT is...?

(i) Repel
(ii) Demote

(iii) Expel
(iv) None of these

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Which Pakistani student won the “Young scientist award 2021” in Biotechnology...?

(i) Umair Masood
(ii) Usman Yaseen

(iii) Hasan Saleem
(iv) Muhammad Waseem

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Which regiment of Pakistan Army has received maximum numbers of "Nishan-e-Haider"...?

(i) Baluch Regiment
(ii) Sind Regiment

(iii) Punjab Regiment
(iv) Frontier Force Regiment

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MS Word is an example of...?

(i) Application Software
(ii) System software

(iii) Operating System
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “knack” is _____________....?

(i) bruise
(ii) ability

(iii) keepsake
(iv) scoundrel

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Huntington said, the primary source of clashes is post-cold war worlds will be...?

(i) Civilization
(ii) Religion

(iii) Believe
(iv) USA & USSR

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