What according to the Qur’an is the root cause of the evil...? Mcqs

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What according to the Qur’an is the root cause of the evil...?

(i) Alcohol
(ii) Hypocrisy

(iii) Lying
(iv) Backbiting

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The SI unit of energy is:...?

(i) Watt
(ii) Newton

(iii) Joule
(iv) None of these

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When did Pakistan become Republic...?

(i) 14 August 1947
(ii) 23 March 1956

(iii) 21 January 1962
(iv) 11 September 1962

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Someone Attentive and concerned about details...?

(i) Fastidious
(ii) Sloppy

(iii) Reckless
(iv) Careless

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In 2023, which international organization launched the Global Health Security Index...?

(i) World Bank
(ii) Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)

(iii) UN
(iv) NATO

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Why Drop Caps are used in document in Ms Word...?

(i) To drop all the capital letters
(ii) To automatically begin each paragraph with capital letter

(iii) To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter
(iv) None of above

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The Government of Pakistan launched the Benazir Income Support Programme...?

(i) 2005
(ii) 2006

(iii) 2007
(iv) 2008

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Why Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S) divorced his first wife on the request of his father...?

(i) she was dishonest
(ii) she was discourteous

(iii) she was disobedient
(iv) It is the order of Jibreal (A.S)

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What are the two seas linked by Suez Canal...?

(i) The Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea
(ii) The Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

(iii) The black Sea and Baltic Sea
(iv) The Black Sea and South China Sea

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Madr-e-Millat Fatima Jinnah died in the year...?

(i) 1940
(ii) 1950

(iii) 1967
(iv) None of these

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