What are the two seas linked by Suez Canal...? Mcqs

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What are the two seas linked by Suez Canal...?

(i) The Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea
(ii) The Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

(iii) The black Sea and Baltic Sea
(iv) The Black Sea and South China Sea

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Where is the grave of Hazrat Dawood (A.S)...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Lebanon

(iii) Israel
(iv) Jordan

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A and B have the same amount of money at first. After A gave B $50, B had 5 times as much money as A had left. How much do A and B have at first?...?

(i) 50$
(ii) 75$

(iii) None of these
(iv) 70$

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When was Liaqat Nehru Pact between India and Pakistan signed:...?

(i) 1950
(ii) 1955

(iii) 1958
(iv) 1964

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Choose the synonym of Devilish:...?

(i) Virtual
(ii) Satanic

(iii) Simple
(iv) None of these

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Which option is not available in Insert Table Autofit behavior in Ms Word...?

(i) Fixed Column Width
(ii) AutoFit to Contents

(iii) AutoFit to Column
(iv) AutoFit to Window

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The first Islamic month is...?

(i) Muharrum
(ii) Safar

(iii) Rajab
(iv) Zool Haja

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In MS Word 2016, which of the following shortcut key is used to use paste special...?

(i) CTRL + ALT + V
(ii) CTRL + V

(iii) CTRL + TAB + V
(iv) ALT + V

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Nostalgic ( choose the most appropriate similar word )...?

(i) healthy
(ii) angry

(iii) homesick
(iv) none of these

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12 water pumps can make a water tank empty in 20 minutes. But 2 pumps are out of order. How long will the remaining pumps take to make the tank empty...?

(i) 20 minutes
(ii) 24 minutes

(iii) 28 minutes
(iv) None of these

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