(What) did he wants you to do...? Mcqs

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(What) did he wants you to do...?

(i) Pronoun
(ii) Adverb

(iii) Adjective
(iv) Noun

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She _____ for the upcoming tennis tournament...?

(i) trains
(ii) is going to train26

(iii) is training
(iv) will train

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Synonym of Notorious is _______...?

(i) Fervour
(ii) Flagrant

(iii) Finesse
(iv) Festive

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Another name of K2 is:...?

(i) Godwin Austen
(ii) Broad Peak

(iii) Koyo Zom
(iv) None of these

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Which one is not the principle of New World Order...?

(i) Territorial Integrity
(ii) Human Rights

(iii) Peaceful Engagement
(iv) War on terrorism

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Select the correct shortcut key which is used to underline a written paragraph...?

(i) CTRL + T
(ii) CTRL + U

(iii) CTRL + Z
(iv) CTRL + B

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Hazrat Ibrahim (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran ____ times....?

(i) 64
(ii) 65

(iii) 69
(iv) None of These

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Find the relationship. Left: Right::East: _...?

(i) South
(ii) North

(iii) West
(iv) Coast

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Dr Abdus Salam was awarded Nobel Prize having work on which basic forces...?

(i) Electromagnetic and Molecular
(ii) Electromagnetic and Electromotive

(iii) Weak and Electro Magnetic
(iv) None of these

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Choose the correct preposition: Muslims shouldn’t bow down except ______ Allah...?

(i) Before
(ii) to

(iii) for
(iv) No

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