What happens when you insert an AutoShape by simply clicking in the document...? Mcqs

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What happens when you insert an AutoShape by simply clicking in the document...?

(i) it appears near the insertion point
(ii) it is inserted in its default size

(iii) is selected
(iv) all of the above

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Which is the largest state of India...?

(i) Rajasthan
(ii) Madhia Perdesh

(iii) Utar Perdesh
(iv) Madrass

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What is the function of CTRL+R in Microsoft Word...?

(i) Open the Print dialog box
(ii) Update the current Web page

(iii) Close the current window
(iv) None of these

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Which country in Africa was formerly known as Rhodesia...?

(i) south Africa
(ii) Zimbabwe

(iii) Zambia
(iv) Kenya

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How many were the members of Basic Democracies from East Pakistan...?

(i) 40000
(ii) 50000

(iii) 60000
(iv) 70000

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How many white stars are on the national flag of the USA ...?

(i) 20
(ii) 30

(iii) 40
(iv) 50

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Fidk Garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) as:_________...?

(i) Fay
(ii) Booty

(iii) Gift
(iv) None of these

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What is Jobbery...?

(i) Robbery employee performed by previous
(ii) Looking for a job enthusiastically

(iii) Conduct of public business for private gain
(iv) Flattery of superiors

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Country biggest irrigation system of the world...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) China

(iii) India
(iv) USA

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Choose the best meaning of Idiomatic phraseA lion's share...?

(i) The part of a lion
(ii) The share of a lion

(iii) Major part
(iv) The lion's escape

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