What is meant by Tawaaf...? Mcqs

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What is meant by Tawaaf...?

(i) To circle around Kaaba
(ii) One attempt between safaa and Marwah

(iii) Stay at Arafat
(iv) None of them

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Hitler party which came into power in 1933 is known as...?

(i) Labour Party
(ii) Nazi Party

(iii) Ku-Klux-Klan
(iv) Democratic Party

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Who Confirmed the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Anas (RA)

(iii) Waraqa Ibn Nawfal
(iv) Hazrat umer (RA)

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Who is the real founder of Abbasid ...?

(i) Mamon
(ii) Jafar

(iii) Al-Mansur
(iv) None of these

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Chapter 1 of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan deals with...?

(i) Fundamental Rights
(ii) Principles of Policy

(iii) President’s powers
(iv) Prime Minister’s power

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Where does the United Nations Commission on Human Rights meet and for how long...?

(i) In Geneva for six weeks each year
(ii) In London for seven weeks each year

(iii) In Paris for six weeks each years
(iv) In New York for ten weeks each year

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The language used for artificial intelligence is:...?

(i) Cobol
(ii) Lisp

(iii) Assembly
(iv) Fortran

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The smallest memory unit of computer is:...?

(i) Byte
(ii) Kilobyte

(iii) Megabyte
(iv) Bit

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When did the event of the social boycott of Banu Hashim take place...?

(i) 8th year of Nabvi
(ii) 5th Year of Nabvi

(iii) 6th year of Nabvi
(iv) 7th year of Nabvi

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Pakistan celebrates constitution day on:...?

(i) 23 March
(ii) 10 April

(iii) 14 August
(iv) 6 September

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