What is name of 15th Para of Holy Qur’an...? Mcqs

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What is name of 15th Para of Holy Qur’an...?

(i) Subhanallazi
(ii) Qal Alam

(iii) Aqtarabo
(iv) Qadd Aflaha

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Synonym of brutal is _____________...?

(i) Mixed together
(ii) Noisy

(iii) Relating to teeth
(iv) Cruel

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It was compulsory for Mansabdar to hold at least _________ horsemen.

(i) 300-400
(ii) 200-600

(iii) 200-400
(iv) None of these

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Which country has the oldest constitutions in existence...?

(i) US
(ii) France

(iii) Greece
(iv) Sweden

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How much time the Word “Ahmed” has appeared in the Holy Quran...?

(i) 5
(ii) 4

(iii) 2
(iv) 1

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Antonym of Facetious is...?

(i) Teasing
(ii) Serious

(iii) Tongue in check
(iv) Copy

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The velocity of sound in air at sea level is...?

(i) 881 meters per second
(ii) 761 meters per second

(iii) 661 meters per second
(iv) 561 meters per second

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Vowel marks were introduced into Arabic script by________...?

(i) Hajaj Bin yousuf
(ii) Abdul Malik Bin Marwan

(iii) Walid
(iv) Abu Hanifa

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In which year Quaid-e-Azam joined the Indian National Congress...?

(i) 1906
(ii) 1914

(iii) 1920
(iv) 1931

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NPT was signed on:...?

(i) 1 June 1906
(ii) 1 July 1966

(iii) 1 July 1968
(iv) 1 July 1970

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