What is percentage is 12 of 36...? Mcqs

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What is percentage is 12 of 36...?

(i) 35%
(ii) 33.33%

(iii) 30%
(iv) 40%

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Which city in Switzerland was the headquarters of the League of Nations ...?

(i) Brussels
(ii) Geneva

(iii) Canberra
(iv) none of these

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The Constitutional Reforms introduced in British India in the year 1909 are generally referred to as:...?

(i) Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
(ii) Morley-Minto Reforms

(iii) The Communal Award
(iv) The Colonial Reforms

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The Expedition of al Raji, occurred in the year _________ of the Islamic calendar...?

(i) 3 A.H
(ii) 4 A.H

(iii) 5 A.H
(iv) 6 A.H

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Which of the following is not a chemical reaction...?

(i) Burning of a paper
(ii) Conversion of Water into stream

(iii) Digestion of food
(iv) Burning of coal

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Union Jack is the name of the flag of which country...?

(i) United Kingdom
(ii) Ireland

(iii) Canada
(iv) Scotland

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Antonym of GUMPTION is ...?

(i) Apathy
(ii) Nerve

(iii) Initiative
(iv) Sagacity

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The _____project allows access to the universe of online information using two simple user interface operations ...?

(i) World-Wide Web Worm
(ii) World-Wide Web

(iii) World-Wide Worm
(iv) none

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Annapurna is the tenth highest mountain in the world, Its height is_________...?

(i) 7,091 meters
(ii) 8,000 meters

(iii) 8,091 meters
(iv) 9,000 meters

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Synonym of Trail...?

(i) To chase
(ii) To fix

(iii) To divert
(iv) To disturb

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