What is Tahleel...? Mcqs

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What is Tahleel...?

(i) Recitation of 4th kalima
(ii) Recitation of 3rd kalima

(iii) Recitation of 1st kalima
(iv) Recitation of 2nd kalima

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The Ghazwa _____ was fought against Bani Salba and Bani Muharba....?

(i) Badr
(ii) Ohad

(iii) Mota
(iv) Ghatfan

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Function in MS Excel is known as ____...?

(i) Formula
(ii) Command

(iii) Operation
(iv) None of these

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At-least five wisk is weight of the produce of the crops over which Zakat becomes obligatory. Five wisk is equal to______...?

(i) 40 Kg
(ii) 45 Kg

(iii) 50 kg
(iv) 60 Kg

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What is the boiling point of water...?

(i) 60 °C
(ii) 80 °C

(iii) 100 °C
(iv) 120 °C

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Ameen ul Umat is title of Hazrat...?

(i) Emar bin Yasir (R.A)
(ii) Uleman Farsi (R.A)

(iii) Abu Uaida Bin Al Jaraah (R.A)
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “succulent” is _________...?

(i) asking help
(ii) wicked

(iii) anxious
(iv) concise

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Which Country from the following is NOT the member of UNO...?

(i) Vatican City
(ii) Afghanistan

(iii) North Korea
(iv) Vaitnam

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Fahien was a ...?

(i) Chinese traveller
(ii) Portuguese Sailor

(iii) Norwegian Traveller
(iv) Japanese Navigator

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Who is the author of India Wins Freedom...?

(i) Maulana Abu Kalam Azad
(ii) Sir syed ahmad Khan

(iii) Maulana Muhammad Ali johar
(iv) None of these

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