What is the circle of data storage area on a disk called...? Mcqs

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What is the circle of data storage area on a disk called...?

(i) Sector
(ii) Plates

(iii) Cylinder
(iv) Track

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Wind always blows from area of...?

(i) Low pressure to high pressure
(ii) High pressure to low pressure

(iii) Only low pressure
(iv) None of these

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Area in a desert where there is sufficient water for plants is called...?

(i) Island
(ii) Oasis

(iii) Green Desert
(iv) Greenland

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Cells in MS Excel can be uniquely identified by:...?

(i) Column letters and row numbers
(ii) Column numbers and row letters

(iii) Cell coordinates
(iv) None of these

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Who was the first winner of the first Hockey World Cup...?

(i) India
(ii) Pakistan

(iii) Netherlands
(iv) Australia

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The move to the previous cell in a table inserted in a document, press:...?

(i) The Tab Key
(ii) Alt+Tab

(iii) Shift+Tab
(iv) Backspace

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PPI is the news agency of ____________...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) India

(iii) Nepal
(iv) Russia

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_________ is known as “Saloos ul Quran”...?

(i) Surah Ikhlas
(ii) Surah Kausar

(iii) Surah Nasar
(iv) Surah Fateha

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Synonym of “retrospect” is _________...?

(i) special kind of telescope
(ii) microscope

(iii) prism
(iv) review of the past

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Largest Barrage of Pakistan...?

(i) Kotri
(ii) Sukkur

(iii) Chasma
(iv) None of these

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