What is the Extension of MS Word documents...? Mcqs

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What is the Extension of MS Word documents...?

(i) .do
(ii) .dos

(iii) .docx
(iv) None of the above

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Which is the full form of Wi-Fi?...?

(i) Wireless Fidelity
(ii) Wired Fidelity

(iii) Wireless Focus
(iv) Wireless Field

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What is the shortcut key for “Increase Font Size” the selected text ...?

(i) Ctrl + Shift + <
(ii) Ctrl + Shift + >

(iii) Ctrl + I
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following is not a member of NATO:...?

(i) Lithuania
(ii) Luxemburg

(iii) Montenegro
(iv) China

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Which city in Switzerland was the headquarters of the League of Nations ...?

(i) Brussels
(ii) Geneva

(iii) Canberra
(iv) none of these

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Johann Gutenberg is known for his invention of...?

(i) Printing press
(ii) Telescope

(iii) Air pump
(iv) Steam turbine

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Synonyms of Condore...?

(i) Reject
(ii) Loss

(iii) Dangous
(iv) Accept

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First translation Quran in any European language was made in Latin by Robert of Ketton in 1143 and it was printed in ___________....?

(i) 1253
(ii) 1353

(iii) 1543
(iv) None of these

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Peljeski Bridge located in:...?

(i) Croatia
(ii) Bosnia

(iii) Paris
(iv) Sarajevo

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Wow what a cold weather which sign is use at the end...?

(i) ?
(ii) !

(iii) :
(iv) None of these

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