What is the meaning of “Alam Barzakh”...? Mcqs

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What is the meaning of “Alam Barzakh”...?

(i) A period of time before one’s birth
(ii) A period of time after one’s birth

(iii) A period of time between one’s death and the Day of Judgment
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following has the maximum density...?

(i) Water
(ii) Ice

(iii) Benzene
(iv) Chloroform

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Muslim League established in ...?

(i) Lahore
(ii) Karachi

(iii) Dehli
(iv) Dhaka

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Who defeated the Mongols in 16th century...?

(i) Khawarzim Shah
(ii) Rakn ud Din Baber

(iii) Zaheer Ud Din Babar
(iv) None of these

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6 men, 7 women and 5 children complete a job for Rs 4400. If their individual wages be in the ratio 4:3:2, the total money earned by 5 children is...?

(i) Rs 800
(ii) Rs 880

(iii) Rs 980
(iv) Rs 990

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Which application is used for accessing the Internet:...?

(i) Operating system
(ii) Customized software

(iii) System software
(iv) Browser

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USA dropped atomic bomb on ______ in World War II...?

(i) Japan
(ii) Italy

(iii) France
(iv) None of these

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بتائیں یہ شعر کس کا ہے؟ بڑا شور سنتے تھے پہلو میں دل کا جو چیرا تو اک قطرہ خون نکلا...?

(i) آتش
(ii) علامہ اقبال

(iii) پروین شاکر
(iv) میر تقی میر

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Who did Hazrat Khadija (RA) sent to ask Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) about marrying her...?

(i) Father
(ii) Mother

(iii) Brother
(iv) Uncle

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According to which amendment suspended Constitution of 1973 was restored...?

(i) 7th Amendment
(ii) 8th Amendment

(iii) 9th Amendment
(iv) 10th Amendment

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