What is the meaning of Iman-e-Mujammal...? Mcqs

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What is the meaning of Iman-e-Mujammal...?

(i) The belief in detail
(ii) The belief in known things

(iii) The belief in brief
(iv) The belief in unknown things

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Which Sura is called the heart of Holy Qur’an...?

(i) Iklas
(ii) Yaseen

(iii) Fatiha
(iv) Mulk

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Six days Arab-Israel war won by:...?

(i) Jordan
(ii) Syria

(iii) Egypt
(iv) Israel

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When did North Korea withdrew the NPT...?

(i) 2008
(ii) 2005

(iii) 2003
(iv) 2004

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The Holy Quran first translated in sub-continent in which language...?

(i) Urdu
(ii) Sindhi

(iii) Punjabi
(iv) Persian

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Identify the number of Surahs in the Holy Quran which are on the names of various Prophets...?

(i) Four
(ii) Six

(iii) Eight
(iv) Nine

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On the Birth of Hazrat Abdullah, Abu Mutalib slaughtered how many camel...?

(i) 70
(ii) 80

(iii) 90
(iv) 100

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Smart card is:...?

(i) Processing unit for software handling
(ii) Processing unit contains memory for storing data

(iii) Microprocessor cards
(iv) None of these

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What was Turkey called before 1923...?

(i) The Ottoman Empire
(ii) The Turkish Empire

(iii) Republic of Turkey
(iv) None of These

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Which from among contain/s three verse/s...?

(i) Surah Asr
(ii) Surah Kausar

(iii) Surah Nasr
(iv) All of these

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