What is the name of Hazrat Yaqub in Hebrew language...? Mcqs

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What is the name of Hazrat Yaqub in Hebrew language...?

(i) Abdullah
(ii) Israel

(iii) Both A and B
(iv) None of them

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Butter and margarine are ______ in nature...?

(i) colloid
(ii) stick

(iii) lodge
(iv) linger

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Which pillar of Islam washes sin like water...?

(i) Hajj
(ii) Roza

(iii) Namaz
(iv) None

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Fiber optics technology is being used in...?

(i) Telecommunication
(ii) Electrical power control monitoring

(iii) Oil and gas pipelines control and monitoring
(iv) All Of Above

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Who is the current prime minister of Saudi Arabia 2023...?

(i) Farhan bin Faisal
(ii) King Abdul Aziz

(iii) Muhammad bin Salman
(iv) None of these

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The number of boys in a class is three times the number of girls. Which one of the following numbers cannot represent the total number of children in the class...?

(i) 48
(ii) 44

(iii) 42
(iv) 40

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Is it necessary for an algorithm to solve a problem with an infinite number of steps?...?

(i) No
(ii) Yes

(iii) Error
(iv) None of these

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The birds live _________ the trees...?

(i) in
(ii) on

(iii) at
(iv) of

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Cyclone is basically:...?

(i) Violently rotating column of air
(ii) Large system of winds

(iii) Permanently frozen layer
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of ABATE is _____________...?

(i) Postpone
(ii) Abandon

(iii) Diminish
(iv) Increase

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