What is the name of the place where world Trade Centre (USA) was located...? Mcqs

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What is the name of the place where world Trade Centre (USA) was located...?

(i) Ground Zero
(ii) Paradise Point

(iii) Golden Point
(iv) Golden City

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Kashmir Independence movement started in which year...?

(i) 1930
(ii) 1931

(iii) 1947
(iv) 1948

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Holy Quran was first translated into Latin in:...?

(i) 1143
(ii) 1145

(iii) 1154
(iv) None of These

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I should not feel pride _________ my qualification...?

(i) At
(ii) On

(iii) To
(iv) In

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Who is the current Secretary General of SAARC?...?

(i) Ahmed Saleem
(ii) Esala Ruwan

(iii) Sheal Kant Sharma
(iv) None of these

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Ganda singh border connects...?

(i) Sialkot-Ferozpur
(ii) Ferozpur-Kasur

(iii) Amritsar-Lahore
(iv) None of these

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Which is the oldest organization of the world...?

(i) UNO
(ii) African Unity

(iii) League of Nations
(iv) Common Wealth

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Which shortcut is used for Undo in MS word:...?

(i) Ctrl+Y
(ii) Ctrl+Z

(iii) Ctrl+K67
(iv) Ctrl+1

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For qualifications 2/5 of the marks were given for corsework. The rest of the marks were given for a written paper of which 3/8 were given for a mental test Total marks were out of 120. How many marks were given for the mental test....?

(i) 30
(ii) 55

(iii) 27
(iv) 45

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The four characters of ip address is called...?

(i) Device Identifier
(ii) Network Identifier

(iii) Host Identification
(iv) Subnet maybe

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