What is the number of permanent members of UN Security Council...? Mcqs

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What is the number of permanent members of UN Security Council...?

(i) 10
(ii) 5

(iii) 2
(iv) 20

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Karakoram Highway built with the help of which country...?

(i) US
(ii) UK

(iii) China
(iv) Iran

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Choose the correct indirect speech of He asked, "Who speaks French"...?

(i) He wanted to know which spoke French
(ii) He wanted to know who speak French

(iii) He wanted to know ho was to speak French
(iv) He wanted to know who spoke French

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Which shortcut key is used to calculate the range of cells in MS Excel...?

(i) Alt +
(ii) Ctrl ++

(iii) Shift ++
(iv) None of these

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First census in India was made in the period of...?

(i) Lord Curzon
(ii) Lord Canning

(iii) Lord Mayo
(iv) Lord Irwin

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The length of Multan-D.G Khan (M5) motorway is...?

(i) 75 KM
(ii) 85 KM

(iii) 200 KM
(iv) 50 KM

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How many times Mahmud of Ghazni invaded india during 1000 to 1027...?

(i) 5
(ii) 15

(iii) 17
(iv) None of these

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Who was appointed as the ruler of Madina at the time of Hudaibia incident when Holy Prophet was departing for Umrah in 6th Hijri...?

(i) Bashir bin Sufyan
(ii) Namila bin Abdullah Al-Laithi

(iii) Muhammad bin Muslimah
(iv) Bara bin Azib

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Rafah crossing is sole crossing point between which of the two counrtries...?

(i) lebanon and israel
(ii) Jordon and Gaza

(iii) Egypt and Gaza strip
(iv) None of These

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which of the following controls the process of interaction between the user and the operating system...?

(i) user interface
(ii) platform

(iii) screensaver
(iv) none of these

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