What is the old name of table tennis game...? Mcqs

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What is the old name of table tennis game...?

(i) Ping Pong
(ii) Poona

(iii) Chin Chang
(iv) Chirik dong

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Synonym of “subterranean” is _________...?

(i) underground
(ii) stealthy

(iii) built up
(iv) cavernous

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Synonym of Aberrant...?

(i) Devious
(ii) Divergent

(iii) Steadfast
(iv) Both a&b

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Which article of the constitution of 1973 is related to the affairs of Zakat:...?

(i) 31
(ii) 35

(iii) 76
(iv) 12

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Pope Benedict, the religious leader of Roman Catholic Church belongs to...?

(i) Britain
(ii) Germany

(iii) France
(iv) Poland

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What is the synonym of Rebate...?

(i) Cheap
(ii) Expensive

(iii) Inflation
(iv) Discount

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The Tasbeeh of Subhana Rabi-al-Alaa is recited in...?

(i) Sajda
(ii) jalsa

(iii) Raku
(iv) Qada

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Which was the first country to recognize Pakistan as an independent state...?

(i) Iran
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Indonesia
(iv) None of these

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What was the name of the first US atomic submarine launched in 1954...?

(i) Nautilus
(ii) Attila

(iii) Sea lion
(iv) Washington

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Antonym of “matutinal” is...?

(i) Paternal
(ii) Crepuscular

(iii) Maritime
(iv) Marsupial

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