What is the original name of the companion Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A) who hosted the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ on his migration to Madina...? Mcqs

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What is the original name of the companion Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A) who hosted the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ on his migration to Madina...?

(i) Abu Asad
(ii) Hazrat Zubair

(iii) Khalid ibn Zayd
(iv) Abu Zahad

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Brain virus created by ______ brothers...?

(i) Pakistani
(ii) Italian

(iii) Chinese
(iv) Japanese

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Choose the ONE from the following options which exhibits the same analogy as established in the last two words. Slack:ــــــــــــــــــPlucky: Courageous...?

(i) Tight
(ii) Silent

(iii) Negligent
(iv) Cowardly

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Sujud sahwi is the sajad of ___________...?

(i) Forgetfulness
(ii) Need

(iii) Recitation
(iv) None of these

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ECO was founded in...?

(i) 1985
(ii) 1986

(iii) 1966
(iv) 1988

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Better to be untaught than. Ill taught IS in ...?

(i) Adjective
(ii) Noun

(iii) Verb
(iv) None of these

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When the stock market is rising it is called...?

(i) Bearish
(ii) Bullish

(iii) Hot
(iv) Rising up

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Three fifth students speak Spanish and one fourth speaks Italian how many percent speaks French:...?

(i) 30%
(ii) 35%

(iii) 40%
(iv) 45%

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Linux is a/an:...?

(i) Operating System
(ii) Utility program

(iii) Application Software
(iv) Educational Software

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A is 4 times as fast as B and therefore is able to finish the work in 45 days less than B A and B can complete the work in how many days?...?

(i) 12 days
(ii) 15 days

(iii) 18 days
(iv) None of these

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