what is the relation of Hazrat Hamza With Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)...? Mcqs

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what is the relation of Hazrat Hamza With Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)...?

(i) Cousin
(ii) Uncle

(iii) Nephew
(iv) Son

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Poke one’s nose into means...?

(i) To praise someone
(ii) To get involved in others matters

(iii) To be rude
(iv) None of these

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Who was appointed the 1st secretary of All India Khilafat Committee...?

(i) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
(ii) Maulana Shaukat Ali

(iii) Seth Jan Muhammad Chottani
(iv) Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan

Latest MCQs

Correction of adverb Lets play nice:...?

(i) Lets play nicely
(ii) Nicely lets play

(iii) Lets nicely play
(iv) None of these

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Which Article of the Constitution provides the freedom of association and the right to form unions?...?

(i) 17
(ii) 05

(iii) 91
(iv) 73

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35 workers are employed to complete a construction in 16 days. the boss needs to complete the project in 14 days. all the workers work at the same rate, how many more workers does he need to employ in order to complete the project on time...?

(i) 3
(ii) 4

(iii) 5
(iv) 9

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Baglihar Dam is constructed by India on which river...?

(i) Sutlej
(ii) Ravi

(iii) Jhelum
(iv) Chenab

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Choose the most suitable synonym of underlined word: She was disgusted by her friend's "outrageous" behavior...?

(i) Threatening
(ii) Shocking

(iii) Unbecoming
(iv) Unacoontable

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Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (PCSIR) was established in ...?

(i) 1953
(ii) 1957

(iii) 1961
(iv) 1963

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The United Nations was founded in:...?

(i) San Francisco
(ii) New York

(iii) Los Angeles
(iv) Chicago

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