What is the time taken by sunlight to reach the earth...? Mcqs

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What is the time taken by sunlight to reach the earth...?

(i) 8 minutes
(ii) 8 minutes 20 seconds

(iii) 8 minutes 30 seconds
(iv) 9 minutes

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The charming girl was the _________ of all eyes...?

(i) Ambition
(ii) Aim

(iii) cynosure
(iv) None of these

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The third pillar of Islam is...?

(i) Zakat
(ii) Fast

(iii) Touheed
(iv) Namaz

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The sentence given below has a blank. Below the sentence are given four options. One of which can fill in the blank so as to match the sentence complete and meaningful. Spot it He jumped ______the river...?

(i) in
(ii) into

(iii) on
(iv) over

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Ghandi called off the Khilafat Movement In 1922 because a mob had set a police station on fire, where...?

(i) Malakand
(ii) Chauri Chaura

(iii) Nagpur
(iv) Allahabad

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Synonym of Bashful is ____________...?

(i) Easily noticed
(ii) Easily embarrassed

(iii) Fruitful
(iv) Annoying

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Pakistan joined the list of Nuclear Weapons states on ...?

(i) 28 May 1996
(ii) 25 May 1996

(iii) 28 May 1998
(iv) 26 May 1998

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Which is the national flower of Pakistan?...?

(i) Jasmine
(ii) Rose

(iii) Sunflower
(iv) Marigold

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In Microsoft Excel the Intersection of columns and rows is called a:...?

(i) Data
(ii) Table

(iii) Cell
(iv) Schema for:

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Synonym of “behemoth” is _________...?

(i) stinging insect
(ii) huge beast

(iii) holiday mood
(iv) mythological creature

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