What was the name of Hazrat Salih's nation?...? Mcqs

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What was the name of Hazrat Salih's nation?...?

(i) Children of Israel
(ii) Thamud

(iii) Talmood
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of PACIFIC is...?

(i) Aggressive
(ii) Peaceful

(iii) Hawkish
(iv) Discordant

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Who was the first governor general of Pakistan...?

(i) Allama Iqbal
(ii) sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(iii) Quid e Azam
(iv) Choudhry Rehmat Ali

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Who invented the railway engine...?

(i) George Stephenson
(ii) Thomas Edison

(iii) James Watt
(iv) Nikola Tesla

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How many seats were reserved in assembly for Muslim in Lucknow pact...?

(i) ½
(ii) 1/3

(iii) ¼
(iv) 1/5

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The Gap between first and second Wahi was __________months...?

(i) 2 Years 1 month
(ii) 2 Years 3 months

(iii) 2 Years 6 months
(iv) none of the above

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The Synonyms of CONDONE is__________...?

(i) Accept
(ii) Acceptable

(iii) Condomn
(iv) Condemn

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The brothers who sold the land for Masjid e Nabawi belonged to the __________tribe:...?

(i) Banu Hashim
(ii) Banu Qarizah

(iii) Banu Najjar
(iv) None of these

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A program that can destroy all of your computer programs...?

(i) Anti-virus
(ii) Virus

(iii) Switched computer
(iv) Dust

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Antonym of SENILE is ...?

(i) Doting
(ii) Anile

(iii) Alert
(iv) Ancient

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