What was the official language declared in 1956 constitution?...? Mcqs

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What was the official language declared in 1956 constitution?...?

(i) Urdu
(ii) Bengali

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of These

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The world's most populous city is..?

(i) Beijing
(ii) Mexico City

(iii) New york
(iv) Tokyo

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What title did Holy Prophet (SAW) give to Hazrat Talha on embracing Islam...?

(i) Faizan
(ii) Fayyaz

(iii) Farooq
(iv) Tayyab

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Find the most suitable word similar in meaning : Sluggish:...?

(i) Slung
(ii) embrace

(iii) Slur
(iv) Slow

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In which year Urdu Hindi controversy...?

(i) 1867
(ii) 1868

(iii) 1866
(iv) 1860

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Choose the synonym Retaliation...?

(i) Revenge
(ii) Pardon

(iii) Condonation
(iv) None of these

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What is the function of CTRL+Q in Microsoft Word...?

(i) Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space)
(ii) Close Word Application without saving Document

(iii) Print Whole Document without confirmation
(iv) Does nothing

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How many Surahs names are with only one letter...?

(i) 3
(ii) 4

(iii) 5
(iv) 6

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Hazrat ____________ is known as the first Dervish....?

(i) Abu Bakar
(ii) Abu Lahab

(iii) Abu Jehl
(iv) Zirr Ghaffari

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In a Windows PC, the shortcut for copying in Microsoft Word is:...?

(i) CTRL+A
(ii) CTRL+B

(iii) CTRL+C
(iv) CTRL+V

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