What was the Relign of Hazrat Adam...? Mcqs

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What was the Relign of Hazrat Adam...?

(i) christianity
(ii) Jewish

(iii) Zartusht
(iv) Islam

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The Title given to the pioneers of Islam was___________...?

(i) Mushahidoon al Awwalum
(ii) Muslimoon al Awwalun

(iii) Al-awwalun
(iv) Assabiqoon al Awwalun

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URL stands for

(i) Uniform research locator
(ii) Universal resource locator

(iii) Uni relative locator
(iv) None of these

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LNG Stands For

(i) Liquid natural gad
(ii) Lionel Natural Gas

(iii) Liquefied natural gas
(iv) None of these

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What is the purpose of inserting header and footer in document...?

(i) to enhance the overall appearance of the document
(ii) to mark the starting and ending of page

(iii) to make large document more readable
(iv) to allow page headers and footers appear on document when printed

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In which mosque(Masjid) seventy thousand prophets have offered prayers...?

(i) Masjid-e-Quba
(ii) Masjid-e-qiblatain

(iii) Masjid-e-Kheef
(iv) Masjid-e-Bilal

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What does the word “indictment” signify...?

(i) Formal accusation
(ii) Strong evidence of serious flaws or wrongdoing

(iii) Legal charge
(iv) Moral condemnation

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Human rights day is observed on which date...?

(i) 10 December
(ii) 11 December

(iii) 15 December
(iv) 19 December

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Who is the current Director-General of WHO...?

(i) Tedros Adhanom
(ii) Antonio Guterres

(iii) Audrey Azoulay
(iv) Kristalina Georgieva

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The formula of Quartz is:...?

(i) SiO2
(ii) Nacl

(iii) SiO4
(iv) None of these

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