What was the total period of Hosni Mubaraks rule as President of Egypt...? Mcqs

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What was the total period of Hosni Mubaraks rule as President of Egypt...?

(i) 20 years
(ii) 25 years

(iii) 30 years
(iv) None of these

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Select the pair which has the same relationship. FILTER:WATER...?

(i) Curtail : Activity
(ii) Censor : Play

(iii) Edit : Text
(iv) None of these

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In which part of computer execution of instructions done:...?

(i) ALU
(ii) Control Unit

(iii) Main memory
(iv) None of these

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The Secretariat of common wealth heads of government meeting (CHOGM) is at ___________...?

(i) London
(ii) Geneva

(iii) New York
(iv) Paris

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Muslim League started the Day of Deliverance in:...?

(i) 1937
(ii) 1939

(iii) 1946
(iv) 1947

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Synonym of “Victory” is __________....?

(i) progress
(ii) success

(iii) defeat
(iv) fortune

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Equivocal means...?

(i) Clear
(ii) Confusing

(iii) Delayed
(iv) Permanent

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What is the one word substitution for a person who is unable to pay his debt...?

(i) Poor
(ii) Vagabond

(iii) Solvent
(iv) Insolvent

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Tansen by profession was _________...?

(i) Poet
(ii) Musician

(iii) Commander
(iv) None

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When did Quadid i Azam resign from the membership of Imperial Legislative Council...?

(i) 1919
(ii) 1929

(iii) 1939
(iv) 1947

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