What was written on the Holy Prophet (SAW) seal...? Mcqs

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What was written on the Holy Prophet (SAW) seal...?

(i) Muhammad Allah Rasool
(ii) Muhammad Rasool-Ullah

(iii) Allah Muhammad Rasool
(iv) Allah Rasool Muhammad ✔

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Moawakhat (the brotherhood) took place in __________ Hijrah ...?

(i) 1st
(ii) 2nd

(iii) 3rd
(iv) 4th

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Green pepper is very rich __________ vitamin C...?

(i) Of
(ii) In

(iii) About
(iv) On

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Choose the best synonym: INSOLENT...?

(i) Disrespectful
(ii) Doubtful

(iii) Daring
(iv) Deny

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The term Track II diplomacy is used for..?

(i) Creating relation using official channels
(ii) Creating relation using Unofficial channels

(iii) Diplomacy by diplomats during war
(iv) None of these

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Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Anomalous...?

(i) Usual
(ii) Connected

(iii) Vicious
(iv) None of these

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The british government sold Kashmir to Gulab singh for how much rupees...?

(i) 6.5 million
(ii) 7.5 million

(iii) 8.5 million
(iv) None of these

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A sum of Rs 12,500 amounts to Rs 15,500 in 4 years at the rate of simple interest. What is the rate of interest?...?

(i) 6%
(ii) 8%

(iii) 10%
(iv) None of these

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What is synonym of Husbandry...?

(i) Business
(ii) Illicit

(iii) Rules
(iv) Agriculture

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Hazrat Musa (AS) and Hazrat Haroon (AS) were brothers; they are buried respectively in...?

(i) Syria & Egypt
(ii) Ohud, KSA & Israel

(iii) Iraq & Palestine
(iv) Jordan & Israel

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