When a disease occurs over a large area of earth's surface at one time, it is called...? Mcqs

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When a disease occurs over a large area of earth's surface at one time, it is called...?

(i) Endemic disease
(ii) Epidemic deases

(iii) Pandemic disease
(iv) None of these

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How can you disable extended selection mode in Ms Word...?

(i) Press Del to disable
(ii) Press F8 again to disable

(iii) Press Esc to disable
(iv) Press Enter to disable

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Francois Bernier was a ـــــــ traveler...?

(i) French
(ii) British

(iii) Dutch
(iv) None of these

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The annual average flow of water in Indus River system is...?

(i) 130 MAF
(ii) 100 MAF

(iii) 110 MAF
(iv) 90 MAF

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What do you understand by 'Choreography'...?

(i) The Study of universe
(ii) The Study of secret writing

(iii) Techniques used in space traveling
(iv) The Steps and movement in dances

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Quaid-e-Azam joined Indian National Congress in which year...?

(i) 1906
(ii) 1914

(iii) 1920
(iv) 1931

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What is the sum of all the three angles of a triangle...?

(i) 90 degrees
(ii) 180 degrees

(iii) 270 degrees
(iv) None of these

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Malaysia prominent person who got Independence from Britain...?

(i) Abdur Rahman
(ii) Mahathir Muhammad

(iii) Sultan Azlan Shah
(iv) Abdul Razak Hussein

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Christopher Columbus who discovered America was...?

(i) Spanish
(ii) Italian

(iii) Dutch
(iv) French

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What is the purpose of inserting header and footer in document...?

(i) to enhance the overall appearance of the document
(ii) to mark the starting and ending of page

(iii) to make large document more readable
(iv) to allow page headers and footers appear on document when printed

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