When did Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) buy a camel named Qaswi...? Mcqs

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When did Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) buy a camel named Qaswi...?

(i) At the time of migration to Medina
(ii) Battle of Badr

(iii) Battle of Tabuk
(iv) None of these

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In Hajj, traveling seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, is called __________ ...?

(i) Istilam
(ii) Sayee

(iii) Ramee
(iv) Tawaf

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______ projections can be drawn taking the help of a source of light by projecting the image of a network of parallels...?

(i) Perspective
(ii) Conformal

(iii) Cylindrical
(iv) Conic

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The Constitutional Reforms introduced in British India in the year 1909 are generally referred to as:...?

(i) Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
(ii) Morley-Minto Reforms

(iii) The Communal Award
(iv) The Colonial Reforms

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Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered at the time of __________ ...?

(i) Lunar eclipse
(ii) Solar eclipse

(iii) earthquake
(iv) heavy rain

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World war I started after the assassination of archeduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria on...?

(i) 11 September 1913
(ii) 28 July 1914

(iii) 14 June 1915
(iv) 11 November 1918

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The line joining places of equal Rainfall is termed as...?

(i) Contour
(ii) Isoyet

(iii) Isothem
(iv) Isobar

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Ab-e-Hayat is Written By...?

(i) Muhammad Hussain Azad
(ii) Abu-al-Kalam

(iii) Israr Sharif
(iv) None of these

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In March 2006, who was appointed as the bowling coach for Pakistan...?

(i) Shoaib Malik
(ii) Waqar Younis

(iii) Ramiz Raja
(iv) Misbah-ul-Haq

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After cold war, a new cold war or cold war II has arisen between:...?

(i) Russia & US
(ii) Russia & China

(iii) China & US
(iv) None of these

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