When did Mahatma Gandhi leave politics...? Mcqs

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When did Mahatma Gandhi leave politics...?

(i) 1934
(ii) 1920

(iii) 1942
(iv) None of these

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Earth completes one rotation on its axis in...?

(i) 23 hours and 30 minutes
(ii) 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.9 seconds

(iii) 24 hours
(iv) 24 hours 1 minute and 10 seconds

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who was the speaker of National Assembly during Zulifqar Ali Bhutto era 1973 to 77...?

(i) Abdul Jabbar Khan
(ii) Syed Fakhar Imam

(iii) Sahibzada Farooq Ali
(iv) None

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What is the length of Karakoram Highway...?

(i) 810 miles
(ii) 910 miles

(iii) 710 miles
(iv) None of these

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Pakistan's first Nuclear Power Plant was setup at Karachi in 1974 with the aid of...?

(i) China
(ii) France

(iii) Canada
(iv) North Korea

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اس ڈائری یا نوٹ بک کو، جس میں شاعر اپنا کلام یا منتخب اشعار درج کرتا ہے، اصطلاح میں کیا کہا جاتا ہے ؟

(i) کلیات
(ii) دیوان

(iii) بیاض
(iv) کوئی جواب درست نہیں

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In which Battle Muslim women participated for the first time...?

(i) Uhad battle
(ii) Battle of Trench

(iii) Tabook battle
(iv) Badr battle

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The radius of a circle is 10 cm and the length of one of its chords is 12 cm then the distance of the chord from the centre is:...?

(i) 6 cm
(ii) 8 cm

(iii) 10 cm
(iv) 12 cm

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اس ڈائری یا نوٹ بک کو، جس میں شاعر اپنا کلام یا منتخب اشعار درج کرتا ہے، اصطلاح میں کیا کہا جاتا ہے ؟

(i) کلیات
(ii) دیوان

(iii) بیاض
(iv) کوئی جواب درست نہیں

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Who was the commander of Muslims in the battle of Muta ____...?

(i) Zayd Bin Harithah
(ii) Hazrat Abu Bakar

(iii) Hazrat Ali
(iv) None of the above

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