When did North Korea withdrew the NPT...? Mcqs

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When did North Korea withdrew the NPT...?

(i) 2008
(ii) 2005

(iii) 2003
(iv) 2004

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When was the Anjuman-i-Himayat-i-Islam founded...?

(i) September 1884
(ii) October 1884

(iii) September 1885
(iv) November 1885

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When was Waqia e Karbala(The Battle of Karbala) Occurred...?

(i) 60 AH
(ii) 61 AH

(iii) 62 AH
(iv) 63 AH

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Red Lake is found in:...?

(i) USA
(ii) England

(iii) France
(iv) None of these

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Who invented the QWERTY keyboard?...?

(i) Christopher Latham Sholes
(ii) George Orville IC

(iii) Issac Newton
(iv) Kurt Keplan

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In Rajab of 9th hijri, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH left Madina along with 30,000 strong force of his comparisons. The force reached at _________on the border of Syria ...?

(i) Yarmuk
(ii) Muta

(iii) Tabuk
(iv) Qadisiya

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There is a limit ........... everything in life...?

(i) To
(ii) On

(iii) In
(iv) With

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Choose the correct meaning of the underlined idiom from the provided options. You can refuse to talk to her if you like, but you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face...?

(i) Trying to harm the other person
(ii) Making a situation worse for yourself out of anger

(iii) Taking an
(iv) Avoiding a problem by ignoring it completely

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The highest mountains range of the world is known as ___________...?

(i) The Andes
(ii) The Himalayas

(iii) The Hindu-Kush
(iv) The Karakoram

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Which option use to open recent file...?

(i) Ctrl+R
(ii) Ctrl+F

(iii) Ctrl+O
(iv) Ctrl+N

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