When Imam Ghazali died:...? Mcqs

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When Imam Ghazali died:...?

(i) 500 Hijri
(ii) 503 Hijri

(iii) 505 Hijri
(iv) None of these

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The 6th organ, “Trusteeship Council” of the United Nations suspended operation on November 01, 1994, with the independence of _________....?

(i) Chad
(ii) Sudan

(iii) Palau
(iv) Tunisia

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Saint Petersburg is a famous city of...?

(i) UK
(ii) Italy

(iii) Georgia
(iv) Russia

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The word Islam occurs how many times in The Holy Quran...?

(i) 10 times
(ii) 8 times

(iii) 6 times
(iv) 5 times

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In MS Excel if a numeric value start with ____ then this value can be treated as a table ...........?

(i) Hash
(ii) Equal Sign

(iii) Apostrophe
(iv) Tide

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When the Indian sepoys refused to open the cow/pig fat made kartoos, it lead to ______...?

(i) Battle of Plassey
(ii) Battle of Buxar

(iii) War of Independence
(iv) War of Mysore

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Mural means__________...?

(i) Ancient writings
(ii) Imagination

(iii) Piece of art work
(iv) None of these

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Who was the first owner of the Microsoft Company...?

(i) Mark Zucker Berg
(ii) Dick Cheney

(iii) Bill Gates
(iv) Steve Jobs

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Which of the following women scientist twice won the Nobel Prize:...?

(i) Rosalind Yallow
(ii) Dorothy Hodgkis

(iii) Marie Curie
(iv) Barbara Maclintock

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It was compulsory for Mansabdar to hold at least horsemen...?

(i) 300-400
(ii) 200-600

(iii) 200-400
(iv) None of these

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