When muslim league joined the interim government...? Mcqs

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When muslim league joined the interim government...?

(i) 1945
(ii) 1946

(iii) 1947
(iv) None of these

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Who is the author of “The Origin of Species”...?

(i) Charles Darwin
(ii) Pope

(iii) Hardy
(iv) Goldsmith

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Select the most appropriate one-word substitution from the provided options A person who loves books...?

(i) Bibliophile
(ii) Bibliophobe

(iii) Xenophile
(iv) Cinephile

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When Pakistan participated in the Olympics for the first time...?

(i) 1948
(ii) 1950

(iii) 1952
(iv) None of these

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Meteorology is...?

(i) Science of atmosphere
(ii) Study of weights & measures

(iii) Study of growth
(iv) Study of stars

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who is known as the “Father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb”...?

(i) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
(ii) Abdul Qadeer Khan

(iii) Nawaz Sharif
(iv) Samar Mubarakmand

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In which year was the first Pakistan and European Union summit held, and where...?

(i) 2005, London
(ii) 2007, Islamabad

(iii) 2009, Brussels
(iv) 2011, Paris

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Which one is not the principle of New World Order:...?

(i) Territorial Integrity
(ii) Human Rights

(iii) Peaceful Engagement
(iv) War on terrorism

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Qazi Isa was the ______ Baluchistan Muslim League...?

(i) president
(ii) vice president

(iii) general secretary
(iv) member board of governance

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Shortcut key to Remove paragraph formatting is_________________________...?

(i) Ctrl + S
(ii) Ctrl + Q

(iii) Ctrl + E
(iv) Ctrl + L

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