When Sheikh Mujibur Rahman presented his historic six-point demand...? Mcqs

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When Sheikh Mujibur Rahman presented his historic six-point demand...?

(i) 1960
(ii) 1966

(iii) 1971
(iv) None of these

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” Atique” is the title of which companion of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Umar -e- Farooq (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA)
(iv) None of these

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Red square is located in _______ city...?

(i) Moscow
(ii) New York

(iii) London
(iv) Ankara

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______is a predefined set of colors, fonts and visual effects that you apply to your slides...?

(i) Design
(ii) Animation

(iii) Layout
(iv) Theme

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Who wrote the famous drama “Taleem-e-Balighan”...?

(i) Khawaja Moinuddin
(ii) Mustansar Hussain

(iii) Allam Iqbal
(iv) None of these

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Which Strait connects Labrador sea and Baffin Bay...?

(i) Davis Strait
(ii) Denmark Strait

(iii) Hover Strait
(iv) None of these

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United states secretary of state is...?

(i) Marco Rubio
(ii) John Kerry

(iii) Cambodia
(iv) None of these

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The study of life of one's individual is called:...?

(i) Psychology
(ii) Biography

(iii) Biology
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of “matutinal” is...?

(i) Paternal
(ii) Crepuscular

(iii) Maritime
(iv) Marsupial

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Corrigendum means...?

(i) Agenda of the meaning
(ii) Things to be corrected

(iii) Study of some gender
(iv) Correspondence

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