When the Indian sepoys refused to open the cow/pig fat made kartoos, it lead to ______...? Mcqs

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When the Indian sepoys refused to open the cow/pig fat made kartoos, it lead to ______...?

(i) Battle of Plassey
(ii) Battle of Buxar

(iii) War of Independence
(iv) War of Mysore

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If Mundane : Spiritual, then:...?

(i) Common Ghostly
(ii) Worldly: Unworldly

(iii) Routine: Novel
(iv) None of these

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In MS PowerPoint record slide show can record:...?

(i) Slide and animation timings
(ii) Gestures

(iii) Laser Pointer
(iv) None of these

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1973’s Constitution was made in the government of...?

(i) Muhammad Khan Junejo
(ii) Ayub Khan

(iii) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
(iv) Yahya Khan

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In 2023, which international organization launched the Global Health Security Index...?

(i) World Bank
(ii) Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)

(iii) UN
(iv) NATO

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What marked the start of NATO’s transformation from a purely defensive alliance into a large, coordinated, and powerful military force operating beyond its members’ borders...?

(i) Bombing campaign on Czechs
(ii) Bombing campaign on Bosnian Serbs

(iii) Bombing campaign on Afghanistan
(iv) Bombing campaign on Iraq

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Synonym of “abet” is _________...?

(i) wager
(ii) reduce in volume

(iii) encourage
(iv) haggle

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Urdu is a word of which language...?

(i) Sad species
(ii) Farsi

(iii) Abode of God
(iv) Turkish

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Tower Bridge London is situated on which river...?

(i) Lotus
(ii) Tyne

(iii) Thames
(iv) None of these

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When 73 is added to 89 and amount is doubled, it gives the same result as the square of 18, what is the answer...?

(i) 164
(ii) 162

(iii) 324
(iv) 163

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