When three hyphens, underscores, equal signs, asterisks, or number signs are typed and then the enter key is pressed, the Auto Format feature _________....? Mcqs

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When three hyphens, underscores, equal signs, asterisks, or number signs are typed and then the enter key is pressed, the Auto Format feature _________....?

(i) places a border above a paragraph
(ii) creates a numbered list

(iii) changes the characters to an em dash
(iv) creates a bulleted list

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One barrel of petroleum is equal to...?

(i) 34.97 UK gallons
(ii) 42 US gallons

(iii) 0.159 Cubic Metre
(iv) None of these

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The Earth is more close to Sun in...?

(i) January
(ii) July

(iii) September
(iv) June

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Idiom As the Crow flies means:...?

(i) Indirect
(ii) Impossible

(iii) Straight
(iv) None of these

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‘Starry Night’ (1889) is the painting of:___________...?

(i) Vincent Van Gogh
(ii) Leonardo Da Vinci

(iii) Johannes Vermeer
(iv) Pablo Picasso

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Who was the mother of Hazrat Usman...?

(i) Arvi
(ii) Salma Binte Sukhar

(iii) Hantima Binte Hasham
(iv) Fatime Binte Asad

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Why we use clear formatting in MS Word...?

(i) To Clear all shapes
(ii) To Clear all data

(iii) Clear the formatting from the text
(iv) To Clear text

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What is the last planet in the solar system...?

(i) Saturn
(ii) Neptune

(iii) Uranus
(iv) None of these

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What is the Richter Scale used to measure...?

(i) Flood
(ii) Volcano

(iii) Earthquake
(iv) Tsunami

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In which year first commercial railway line was opened, connecting Liverpool with Manchester...?

(i) 1820
(ii) 1825

(iii) 1830
(iv) 1840

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