When upper leeward stop the angle of pile of sand dunes is:...? Mcqs

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When upper leeward stop the angle of pile of sand dunes is:...?

(i) 30-32 degree
(ii) 32-34 degree

(iii) 33-34 degree
(iv) 35-36 degree

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Hayad e javed, By Maulana Altaf Hali is..?

(i) Autobiography
(ii) Biography of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(iii) Brief account of the Great Muslims
(iv) Guide for those who want to lead

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Who was the founder of Nawaiwaqt news paper:...?

(i) Hameed Nizami
(ii) Majeed Nizami

(iii) Arif Nizami
(iv) None of these

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The 'Theory of Population" was propounded by:...?

(i) John Calvin
(ii) Dr Henry Kissenger

(iii) Thomas Robert
(iv) Adam Smith

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If the mean of 7 terms is 40, the sum of those terms will be...?

(i) 280
(ii) 480

(iii) 200
(iv) 346

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The largest number of women received Nobel prize in the category of...?

(i) Peace
(ii) Medicine

(iii) Literature
(iv) Physics

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The place of Persepolis in Iran was destroyed in 331 B.C by...?

(i) A flood
(ii) Alexander the Great

(iii) Genghis Khan
(iv) Ottoman Turks

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The hand has five fingers. In this sentence five is...?

(i) Noun
(ii) Adverb

(iii) Adjective
(iv) None of these

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Choose the best antonym: VALIANT...?

(i) Diffident
(ii) Vivacious

(iii) Intellectual
(iv) Adroit

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Which country won Cricket Champions Trophy 2017...?

(i) Iran
(ii) UAE

(iii) Malaysia
(iv) Pakistan

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