When was Quaid-e-Azam elected as the President of the First Constituent Assombly...? Mcqs

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When was Quaid-e-Azam elected as the President of the First Constituent Assombly...?

(i) August 11, 1947
(ii) August 14, 1947

(iii) August 15, 1947
(iv) August 18, 1947

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Slide sorter can be accessed through_________ menu...?

(i) Insert
(ii) View

(iii) Edit
(iv) File

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Which shortcut key inserts a new slide in current presentation...?

(i) Ctrl+N
(ii) Ctrl+M

(iii) Ctrl+S
(iv) None of above

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The Roman numeral for the number “50” is ____...?

(i) L
(ii) C

(iii) D
(iv) M

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Main cause of France's riots in 2005...?

(i) Changes in employment rules
(ii) Death of two foreigners

(iii) Opposition party's strike
(iv) None of these

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Who is the author of book “Global Corruption: Money, Power, and Ethics in the Modern World”...?

(i) Laurence Cockcroft
(ii) K. K. Aziz

(iii) Trevor Noah
(iv) Adam Smith

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Determination of oxygen carried by hemoglobin is done by...?

(i) pH
(ii) Partial pressure of oxygen

(iii) Partial pressure of carbon dioxide
(iv) All of these

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a feature that automatically corrects common spelling error is called...?

(i) autoCorrect
(ii) auto text

(iii) smart tags
(iv) none of these

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Which is the major source of energy in Pakistan...?

(i) Nuclear
(ii) Oil and gas

(iii) Petroleum products
(iv) None of these

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“Ctrl + Right Arrow” Shortcut key is used in Ms Word to____________...?

(i) Moves the cursor one word right
(ii) Moves the cursor end of the line

(iii) Moves the cursor end of the document
(iv) Moves the cursor one Paragraph down

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